My Blog Experience this Semester

Blog Experience

I am currently finishing the second semester of my second year studying architecture, and from the first few weeks I started writing a blog, which you are reading right now.

  I can say it has been a good experience for me, I learned a lot of different topics, and the best is that it was been fun.

 I don’t make a blog since so much time, this is the first in one year, and I think I've learned new things every week that are helping me improve. With my experience I can say that is a good way to pass the time, it's fun and you learn about different topics each week.

 I have also learned many concepts in English I did not know before, and I am very happy to have learned much more than I thought I would learn this semester. It is certainly a new experience to help me in my future and my career in the future.

  Making a blog does not take long, and you'll really have fun if you start to write one. You can write what you want to write, you just need to be creative and express yourself as you want.

The blog that I enjoyed most making was the “free post”, because I could write about thing that I see, make and live every day. And the post that I didn't enjoy so much was about a “Chilean Building or Landmark”, because this blog remember me that I don’t know so much places or Buildings from Chile.

The post that was most difficulty for me was about a “concert or an event”, because I had never went a concert, and the post that I enjoyed reading was all the trip’s blog of my classmates, because I learned so much about different places in the world.

 This is my last Blog this semester, and I hope to continue writing in my spare time. I hope you liked my blog, and see you in the next time you type one. Thank you for everything, see you in the next Blog!


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